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London Street Art Street art has always inspired me. It's always changing, always new. Imagine 'committing a crime' (vandalism)  just to showcase your talent? Although it's become so much more than that. I've been following a few well known street artists for the last few years (it's become so much easier thanks to Twitter!) and you can tell when they are in town or when some of their work pops up in a different city. This form of art has a lot more in common with music than everyone thinks. Towards the end of 2011 I started religiously taking pictures of street art I encountered on my way to gigs. I will keep updating as I take more. Follow me on Twitter, I normally post pictures as I discover them. Please send me your pics back!    

Randoms I'm a pretty crap photographer at best , but I'm fascinated by iPhone photo apps and the way you can bend reality. If you play around with them for long enough it becomes easier to look past the actual shot. Here are some of my iPhone photos. (I use a combination of apps but mostly: Camera+ , Hipstamatic , Camera Bag , Wood Camera & ColorSplash)​


Gig photos A collection of gig photos from over the years. Some taken by professionals but most taken by friends supporters. Also some promo pics which I've used on website and album art. 

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